
The most common Russian words with their conjugation/declension.

The database contains more than 60 000 words. It has been compiled using the открытый словарь русского языка - о
The verbs have been divided into conjugation groups, using the database made by Natalia Slioussar :
These 2 great resources are based on the Grammatical dictionary of Russian compiled by A.A. Zaliznyak (1987).

You can add dictionaries to the app.
To insert a dictionary in the app, use iTunes File Sharing. The compatible formats are StarDict or Babylon Dictionaries. You need to choose a Russian to English (or any other language you wish) dictionary.
StarDict :
A dictionary consists of 3 (sometimes 4) files, with the following extensions :
.ifo, .idx (or .idx.gz), .dict (or, .syn (optional).
If the file has the format .tar or .tar.bz2, you need to decompress it in order to get the dictionary files.
Once all the files have been added to the app with iTunes File Sharing, go to Settings > Dictionaries and click on Install Button. Only the file with the extension .ifo should appear.
Select it to install the dictionary.
Babylon :
The dictionary is contained in one file with the extension .bgl (or .BGL). You can download free Babylon dictionaries at the following address : : choose a dictionary and click “Add this Glossary”.
In Verbole app, select Settings > Dictionaries and click on Install Button. Then select the file in the list.

Search field
To search a word in the database, just enter the first letters of the word, using Cyrillic or Latin alphabet.
To perform a search from an inflected form, enter the word and press the search button from the keyboard. The result of the morphological analysis will then be displayed.

Voice settings
The app uses Text-to-speech synthesis for the pronunciation of the forms.
To hear the pronunciation of a form, just tap on it.
You can change the pitch or the rate (speed) of the voice by moving the corresponding sliders.
Note that the pronunciation may in certain cases not be accurate, especially concerning the stress accent of some words.

Web browser
A lightweight browser allows to look up words in the database when browsing Russian websites.
To select a word, just tap on it. The app will perform a morphological analysis to find the corresponding entry, with its definition, provided that you installed at least one dictionary. You can disable the links in the web page by tapping on the eyeglasses icon and selecting text + links - you will then be able to select a word inside a link.

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